Refereed journal articles
Davis, C. A., López-Peña, P., Mobarak, A. M., Wen, J. (2024). Refugees are Hosted in Highly Vulnerable Communities. AEA Papers & Proceedings, 114. Link.
Davis, C. A. & Poole, J. (2023). Foreign Influence: The International Transmission of Gender Equality. The World Economy. Note: associated chapter in an edited volume listed below. Link.
Barker, N., Davis, C. A., López-Peña, P., Mitchell, H., Mobarak, A. M., Naquib, K., Reimão, M. E., Shenoy, A., Vernot, C (2023). Migration and the Labor Market Impacts of COVID-19. European Economic Review, 158. Link.
(Author order randomized) Egger, D., Miguel, E., Warren, S., Shenoy, A., Collins, E., Karlan, D., Parkerson, D., Mobarak, A. M., Fink, G., Udry, C., Walker, M., Haushofer, J., Larrebourne, M., Athey, S. López-Peña, P, Benhachmi, S., Humphreys, M., Lowe, L., Meriggi, N., Wabwire, A., Davis, C. A., Pape, U. J., Graff, T., Voors, M. Nekesa, C., Vernot, C. (2021). Falling Living Standards during the COVID-19 Crisis: Quantitative Evidence from Nine Developing Countries. Science Advances, 7(6). Link.
Davis, C. A. & Poole, J. (2020). Can Multinational Firms Promote Gender Equality? The Role of Labour Mobility. Transnational Corporations, 27(3). Link.
Davis, C. A. & Mobarak, A. M. (2020). The challenges of scaling effective interventions: A path forward for research and policy. World Development, 127. Link.
Under review
- Davis, C. A., López-Peña, P., Mobarak, A. M., Wen, J. (2024). Economic Drivers of State Violence against Civilians: Evidence from Myanmar. Conditionally accepted by The Economic Journal.
Working papers
López-Peña, P., Davis, C. A., Mobarak, A. M., & Raihan, S. Prevalence of COVID-19 Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Health Behaviors in Host and Refugee Communities in Cox’s Bazar: a Representative Panel Study. [Preprint]. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. E-pub: 11 May 2020. doi:
López-Peña, Davis C. A., Mobarak, A. M. (2020). Prevalence and Correlates of Depression among Rohingya Refugees and Bangladeshis Living in Cox’s Bazar: a Representative, Cross-sectional Survey.
Davis, C. A. (2017). Why Did Brazilian Farmers Suddenly Adopt Existing Technology? (Job Paper. Featured on World Bank Impact Development Blog.)
Selected works in progress
Supporting Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Complementarities between Training and Capital (with Cynthia Kinnan and Mushfiq Mobarak).
Love in the time of Zika: Examining the Motherhood Penalty (with Maddison Erbabian, Gaurav Khanna, and Margaret Lay).
Delivering Quality at Scale: Expanding the Reach of Entrepreneurship Training (with Mona Mensmann, Benjamin Scharweit, Ashish Shenoy, and Jakob Weers).
Invited Papers, Columns, & Book Chapters
Davis, C. A., Hsu, E., & VanVuren, M. (2023). Self Employment, Micro-Entrepreneurship, and Development. Structural Transformation and Economic Growth (STEG) Pathfinding Paper. Link.
Davis, C.A. & Poole, J. “Foreign Influence: The International Transmission of Gender Equality,” Chapter 7, in Closing Gender Gaps in the Southern Cone: An Untapped Potential for Growth, eds Verónica Frisancho & Virginia Queijo, Inter-American Development Bank, 2022.
Mobarak, A. M. & Davis, C. A. “A Research Agenda Built for Scale,” Chapter 12, in The Scale-up Effect in Early Childhood and Public Policy: Why interventions lose impact at scale and what we can do about it, eds John List & Dana Suskind, University of Chicago, 2021.
Mobarak, A. M. & Davis, C. A. “The Nobel Winners in Economics Are On the Right Track.” Foreign Policy. 9 December 2019.
Davis, C. A. “What Drives Technology Adoption in Agriculture? Disentangling Regulation and Rising Wages in Brazil.” World Bank Development Impact Blog. 30 November 2016.